2021 Gabo Award: The 40 Best Pieces of Journalism in Ibero-America
- The list is comprised of 10 journalistic pieces in each of the competition categories: Text, Coverage, Image, and Innovation.
- The pieces were selected from 1,585 entries, after three rounds of judging led by 57 journalists.
- The winners will be announced in an online ceremony on November 18 as part of the 9th edition of the Gabo Festival, to be held from November 15 to 20.
The Gabo Foundation, an institution created by journalist and Nobel Laureate in Literature Gabriel García Márquez, announces the 40 nominees for the 9th edition of the Gabo Award, the most important recognition for journalism in Spanish and Portuguese.
The list is made up of 10 journalistic pieces in each of the four competition categories—Text, Coverage, Image, and Innovation—that scrutinize, reveal, impact, and pull at the heartstrings of society, with dazzling narratives that demonstrate a fierce passion for journalism combined with skill, rigor, and ethics.
These works were selected from 1,585 nominations after being submitted to three rounds of autonomous judging panels made up of 57 international journalists with extensive experience.
The three finalists for each category are among the group of nominees, made up of journalists and journalistic teams that publish for audiences in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal. The four winners of the 2021 Gabo Award will be selected from this final group of 12, and will be announced in an online ceremony on November 18, during the 9th edition of the Gabo Festival. Register to participate free of charge.
Before the ceremony, the Marathon of the Best Stories in Ibero-America will be held on November 16. This event will bring together the 2021 Gabo Award finalists with members of the judging panel in order to learn details about the work that went into creating their competing pieces. Register and participate.
The 9th edition of the Gabo Festival will be held online from November 15-20, 2021. The agenda includes workshops, lectures, and master classes aimed at journalists and media editors in Ibero-America, communication and journalism students and teachers, as well as professionals from other disciplines interested in the following topics: film and documentary, photojournalism, journalistic collaborations, care economy, environmental crisis, new narratives on drugs, travel journalism, audiovisual tools, podcast and sound profiles, and the use of social media networks for election coverage. Check out the agenda here.
The Gabo Award and Gabo Festival are made possible thanks to the Gabo Foundation’s partnership with the SURA and Bancolombia groups and their affiliates in Latin America.
Below are all the nominees for each category in the 2021 Gabo Award:
Sérgio Miguel Buarque e Inês Campelo.
Marco Zero Conteúdo (Brazil)
Maribel Izcue
Revista 5w (Spain)
Cuánta selva necesita un hombre
Karim Ganem Maloof
El Malpensante (Colombia)
Da tortura à loucura: ditadura internou 24 presos políticos em manicômios
Amanda Rossi y Flávio VM Costa.
UOL Notícias (Brazil)
Juan Carlos Rocha Pardo
El Malpensante (Colombia)
Berta J. Luesma
Pikara Magazine (Spain)
Heredero – Las causas judiciales que enfrenta el Opus Dei
Paula Bistagnino
Revista Anfibia (Argentina) / Connectas (Colombia)
La masacre de Tamaulipas: El sueño americano muere en México
Lorena Arroyo Valles, Pablo Ferri, Héctor Guerrero, Mónica González Islas y Eliezer Budasoff.
El País (Spain)
Beatriz Lecumberri
Revista 5w (Spain)
Mujeres en la Amazonía: lideresas indígenas que están cambiando el rumbo de sus comunidades
Vanessa Romo Espinoza, Mayuri Castro, Francesca García Delgado, Carol Sánchez y María Fernanda Lizcano.
Mongabay Latam (Colombia) / GK (Ecuador) / Rutas del Conflicto (Colombia)
Camino a encontrarles: historias de búsquedas
Aranzazú Ayala Martínez, Marcela Turati, Elia Baltazar, Uriel Gámez, Bianca Carreto, Luisa Iglesias, Patricia Mayorga, Melva Frutos, Paloma Robles, Marcos Vizcarra y Mary Lechuga.
A dónde van los desaparecidos / Quinto Elemento Lab / IMER Noticias (Mexico)
Ramón Campos Iriarte, Sayre Quevedo, Agnes Bridhe Walton, Ashley Cleek, Diego Salazar, Ben Kruse Calla, Annie Avilés, Adriana Tapia y Kate Osborn.
Vice News (United States)
Francisca Skoknic, Andrea Insunza, Antonio Maldonado, Juan Cristóbal Peña, Daniela Mohor, Gabriela Pizarro e Ignacia Velasco.
La Bot Documenta (Chile)
Ecuador desentierra cuerpos para encubrir sus culpas
Susana Morán y Karina Medina.
Revista Plan V (Ecuador) / Connectas (Colombia) / La Barra Espaciadora (Ecuador) / Fundación Periodistas Sin Cadenas (Ecuador)
El reto tras la masacre: Memoria, Verdad, Justicia y No Repetición
Néstor Arce, Julián Navarrete, Franklin Villavicencio, Wilfredo Miranda, Maynor Salazar, Carlos Herrera, Ricardo Arce Aburto y Roy Moncada.
Divergentes (Nicaragua)
Artur Rodrigues, Rogério Pagnan, Rubens Valente, Henrique Santana, Karime Xavier, Luciano Veronezi, Rogério Pilker y Thiago Almeida.
Folha de S.Paulo (Brazil)
Más allá del muelle, crisis migratoria en las Islas Canarias
María Martín y Javier Bauluz.
El País (Spain)
Mercúrio, uma chaga na floresta
Gustavo Faleiros, Bram Ebus, Tom Laffay, Sam Cowie, Marcos David Valverde, Gaulbert Sutherland, Fabiano Villela, James Alberti, Sônia Bridi, Wilfred Leeuwin, Fábio Diniz, Marcelo Marques, Kate Wheeling, Cristine Kist, Ewald Scharfenberg, Fillipi Nahar, Patricia Marcano y Mônica Reolom.
InfoAmazonia.org (Brazil) / Fantástico TV Globo (Brazil) / Armando.info (Venezuela)
Connectas Team
Connectas.org (Nicaragua, Colombia, Estados Unidos y México)
Alejandra Ibarra Chaoul, Ana Paula Tuirán, Lisette Arévalo, Rosa Amanda Tuirán, Julio González y Sara Benítez.
Defensores de la Democracia (México)
Clarissa Cavalcanti, Álvaro Pereira Júnior, Nancy Dutra, Gabriel Mitani, Anna Bernardoni, Fernando Lupo, Nathália Butti, Daniel Torres, Wellington Almeida, Laura Isern y Andrey Frasson.
Globoplay (Brazil)
Coizta Grecko B., Juan Castro Gessner, Damían Mendoza, Gabriela Retes, Concepción Peralta, Lhyan Carbajal, Wilma Gómez, Témoris Grecko, Axel Hernández, Juanjo Rodríguez, César Omar Pérez, Teo Vázquez Turner y Humberto Ibarra.
Ojos de Perro vs la Impunidad (Mexico)
Cercados – A Imprensa contra o negacionismo na pandemia
Caio Cavechini, Henrique Picarelli, Eliane Scardovelli, João Rocha, Diogo André, Cauê Angeli, Larissa Coelho, Rodrigo Bodstein y Pedro Penna.
Globoplay (Brazil)
Marlén Viñayo, Carlos Martínez, Andrea Bilbao, Neil Brandvold, Omnionn, Víctor Peña y Patrick Tombola.
El Faro (El Salvador)
Daniele Volpe
The New York Times (United States)
Cristóbal Olivares, Alfredo Duarte y Aribel González.
Nos están marcando (Chile)
Sofia Arede, João Lúcio, Marco Carrasqueira, Carla Gonçalves y Diana Matias.
SIC Notícias (Portugal)
Álvaro Ron, Daniel Boluda, María Cabo, Antonio Gómez Escalonilla y Leyre Pejenaute.
Movistar+ (Spain)
Lalo de Almeida
Folha de S.Paulo (Brazil)
Rostros del sur: vida y luchas de indígenas y campesinos en Colombia
Aurore Bayoud, Lluís Muñoz y Margot Loizillon.
France 24 (France)
Cartas na pandemia: jovens de SC e de campos de refugiados trocam mensagens sobre sonhos e aflições
Ângela Bastos, Ingrid Santos, Ângela Prestes, João Scheller, Ben Ami Scopinho y Maiara Santos.
Diário Catarinense (Brazil)
Científicamente comprobado: un análisis de los tratamientos más usados contra la covid-19
Jason Martínez, Fabiola Torres y Gabriel Rada.
Salud con lupa (Peru)
Jessica Dominguez, Jesús Arencibia Lorenzo, Janet Aguilar y Elianys Jutiniani.
elToque (Cuba) / Connectas (Colombia)
Helena Carpio, Angel Alayón, Valentina Oropeza, Óscar Marcano, Salvador Benasayag, John Fuentes, Giorgio Cunto y Mariengracia Chirinos.
Prodavinci (Venezuela)
La Silla reconstruye cómo policías mataron a los tres jóvenes de Verbenal
Carlos Hernández Osorio, Marcela Becerra, Daniela Amaya Rueda, Juan Esteban Lewin.
La Silla Vacía (Colombia)
Líderes asesinados: de aquí vinieron las balas
Juan Diego Restrepo Echeverri, Andrés García, Bibiana Ramírez, Carlos Mayorga, Juliana Castellanos, Vanessa Martínez, Alejandro Ballesteros.
Verdad Abierta (Colombia)
Gilberto Scofield Jr, Natalia Leal, Vinicius Sueiro, Tiago Maranhão, Rodrigo Menegat, Alberto Cairo y Marco Túlio Pires.
Agencia Lupa (Brazil)
Ome, Pütchi, Poraû – “Mujer, Palabra, Resistencia”
Vanessa Teteye, Luzbeidy Monterrosa, Olowaily Green, Pablo Albarenga, Cindy Laulate, Luis Fuenmayor, Paola Nirta, David Daza, Juliana Galvis, Mariana Villamizar, Juan Pablo Marín, Camila Achuri y Edilma Prada.
Agenda Propia (Colombia)
Onde vai parar o lixo reciclável?
Lucas Marchesini Palma, Lilian Tahan, Priscilla Borges, Otto Valle, Olívia Meireles, Juliana El Afioni, Gui Prímola, Marcos Garcia, Gabriel Foster, Daniel Ferreira, Michael Melo, Igo Estrela, Rafaela Felicciano, Allan Rabelo, Daniel Mendes, Italo Ridney y Saulo Marques.
Metrópoles (Brazil)
Adriano Belisario, Fernanda Bruno y Paulo Tavares.
Medialab.UFRJ / Agência Autonoma (Brazil)